Wellness Speaking

More than ever, organizations and communities are committing to wellness. Individuals can function better and feel happier at home and work by building simple, sustainable habits.

As a certified Intuitive Eating & Body Image Health Coach, I have developed several talks designed to promote physical and mental health.

Signature Talk

Discover How To Find Your Food Freedom

Have you spent a lifetime dieting, believing your self-worth and health are tied to a number on the scale? Join me in this interactive workshop, where you will discover how to disengage from society’s pervasive diet mentality, and build a new, healthy relationship with your body and the food that nourishes it.

We will explore how to leave old behaviors behind and focus on progress, not perfection. You will learn how Intuitive and Mindful Eating, self-awareness, and self-compassion work together to build whole-body wellness while reducing emotional eating and negative body self-talk. This change in mindset is a powerful and sustainable way to feel happy, healthy, and confident at any size.

Here are some of my other most requested topics:

Our Children Are Listening: Allow your kids to grow up loving their bodies



Do you remember the first time you felt uncomfortable with your body and who gave you the message that your body wasn’t accepted? Fast forward to today, shh, your children are listening. Your battle with food and body no longer just affects you. It now directly impacts your children and their developing relationship with food and their body.

We will explore how your actions and words directly impact your children’s trust within their bodies. You will discover tools to begin to heal your relationship and give your child the gift of body peace and food freedom. Learn how to be the change to break the diet cycle and allow your children to grow up listening, trusting, and respecting their bodies so they can be happy, healthy, and confident at any size through the practice of Intuitive Eating.


The Ripple Effect of Self-Care



You can’t treat your body poorly all week, then expect an hour of yoga on Sunday will fix it. Self care is the core of wellness, and it begins with small, incremental changes to your daily habits. Those little habits look different for each of us—and they don't need to be complicated or elaborate to be effective. In this workshop, we’ll explore how to identify your individual needs and build true self care into your daily life.

How to Diet without Dieting



Get ready to dismantle diet culture and learn to build habits that serve you regardless of the circumstances. By focusing on mindful and intuitive eating, real foods, and movement that nourishes your soul, you can reach your weight loss goals while gaining a new appreciation for your body. We’ll talk about how to ditch the diet and shift your mindset to feel better inside and out.


How to Make Healthy Choices When Dining Out



Eating out and socializing with friends and colleagues should be fun and relaxing. Unfortunately, instead of something you look forward to, these experiences can become stressful triggers when you are committed to healthier eating. Let's break the cycle of deprivation and guilt with tips for making choices you can feel great about.

Using Meal Planning to Drive a Healthy Lifestyle



Life is busy, and often our food choices are driven by convenience or necessity. Meal planning can help you stay on track with your nutrition goals, all while maximizing your time and budget. I promise that you don’t need to be a master chef or abandon your favorite takeout entirely to benefit from the strategies we’ll explore!

Not seeing the topic you are looking for?

Whether you are a large company, a mom's club, or a networking group, each of these presentations is customizable to your audience's needs and goals.

Let's discuss how I can develop a talk that inspires your attendees to prioritize whole-body health.


Schedule a call to book a signature wellness talk or discuss a customized wellness workshop request.